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Kontakt Klas Einersen


Styret i GFK

Tomas Krogstad
Tlf. 952 44 607
Søknad om medlemskap/ID-kort/kurs
Egil Risbø
Tlf. 905 39 425
Klas Einersen
Tlf. 915 33 171

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English Information

Gardermoen Aero Club was founded in the 1950’s, and is located in Hangar 1 at Oslo Airport Gardermoen (OSL). After the opening of the new international airport on 8th October 1998, the government gave a special permission for the club to continue their activities and location, as the only club in the area. Gardermoen Aero Club has pr today approx. 70 members, and are happy to offer 2 self owned aircrafts (LN-AGW; Cessna 172S 2005-model, Skyhawk SP and LN-AGM; Cessna 172S 2004-model, Skyhawk SP) for the use of members and visitors.

The club has very active members who arranges social events, as well as different kind of courses both for other members and occationally for guests.

Members of the club are participating in ‘Flytjenesten’; flying Search and Rescue (SAR) and Forest Fire Patrol.

Gardermoen Aero Club offers a classroom support training program for PPL-A students as a help to the online self-study, starting in September every year.

Visitors who wants to visit Gardermoen Aero Club at Hangar 1, where the club also has club-house facilities at OSL, have to fulfill all security requirements. Do not hesitate to contact us!

Become a member!
New members are always welcome! If you are interested in more information or want to apply for a membership, please fill in the application form and you will hear from us shortly.


Rettighetsforlengelse/ LPC:

Rune Tranholt
Tlf. 950 24 249
Web: Klikk her


Instruktører i GFK:


Tomas Krogstad
Tlf. 952 44 607


ass. skolesjef:
Steinar Storm Kristiansen
Tlf. 413 80 441



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